We are now seventeen weeks away from our next marathon, held to commemorate the opening of the
Incheon Bridge in September. It is not often one has the opportunity to run across one of the world's longest bridges, and if this artist rendering is even remotely close to being accurate, my usual absence of hill training should not be of great consequence. Having done nothing but a few long walks since the ultra, I am itching to get out in the morning for a gentle 40 minutes. The plan is to ease back into a routine over the next five weeks (two here, three on holiday in Borneo), then start getting serious about preparing properly. Not so distantly beyond this marathon looms another stab at 100km to wrap up the year.
If the bridge opens up, it is going to be one biatch of a climb, then jump, and descend.
Make sure you carry your trusty hook on a rope just in case you have to swing between the two sections.
I never run without my grappling hook, so should be fine.
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