We downloaded
Running the Sahara from
here this weekend. The documentary was fascinating, with stunning cinematography and a beautiful soundtrack, as it chronicled Charlie Engle's, Ray Zahab's, and Kevin Lin's epic run across six countries in 111 days. They ran to raise awareness and money for
H2OAfrica, in order to provide potable water to mostly nomadic people through a series of well projects. For Deanna and I, fledgling ultrarunners both, the film also provided insight into the dedication and spirit necessary to push beyond one's own perceived limits. As if all that wasn't excellent enough, it was narrated in the round by Will Hunting, Jason Bourne, and Mr. Ripley.
And if there isn't yet an official Ray-Zahab-is-The-Coolest-Guy-on-The-Planet fan club, I want to start one.
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